Here are businesses that offer military discounts. You may have to ask for these, many places do not advertise military discounts. If you have a service discount you don't see here, please comment with it and I'll add it. Additionally, if one of these businesses no longer offers a military discount please let me know and I'll remove it. Thank you!
1800WoodFloors - 5% off with valid military ID
AutoZone - Discount varies by location, ask and present valid military ID
BrakeMasters - 10% off with valid military ID
Firestone Tire & Service Centers - 5-10% off on select products with valid military ID
Geico - 2-15% off your policy in certain states. Additional discounts are available for vehicles stored while you're deployed
JCPenney Portrait Studio - Bring a valid military ID for a free sitting, 8x10 print, and 50% off your purchase
Meineke - 10% off all parts with valid military ID
Lloyd's Transmissions - 10% off with valid military ID
Majestic Carpet Care - 10% off with valid military ID
Mr. Transmission - 10% off with valid military ID
Nextel - 15-20% off select services and products with valid military ID
Payless Muffler & Brakes - 5% off with valid military ID
Pro Auto Care - 10% off with valid military ID
Sears Portrait Studio - 20% off with valid military ID
Sports Clips - 25% off with valid military ID
Sprint - 15-20% off select services and products with valid military ID
T-Mobile - 15-20% off select services and products with valid military ID
U Store It - 25% off unit price per month with valid military ID
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